Here are a selection of sites with cardiovascular exam illustrated by video – generally pretty good and score 3-5 stars:
1. University of Bristol, UKí Aiming at the exam scenario. í Series of short videos with interspersed questions to answer. Nice.
2. Geeky medics, UK.í By medical students for medical students. 8 minute video as one would exam the CVS in the exam situation. Slick.
3. University of Virginia,US. 10 mins. í Slightly stilted. However, the site also provides a comprehensive written explanation + photos.
4. University of Wisconsin, US.í Advanced CVS exam – In depth look at the jugular venous pressure (JVP), and apex beat. <7mins.
5. Conneticut, US. Nearly 20 minute video. í A bit of preamble followed by very thorough exam interspersed with some audio clips of heart sounds.
6. St Georges Clinical Skills: Comprehensive MRCP style examination videos for systemic examination.About 10 min each.
7. Paediatric CVS examination, OER. A downloadable zip file containing video from the University of Ghana. í A few MCQs self assess too. The video is 15 mins.
8. Macleod’s examination of the cardiovascular system 13mins. í Youtube video with preceding advert. í Examination with voiceover. Professional.
Less than 10 mins
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