Category Archives: Cardiology

Resources Found: 53
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Hypertension tutorial (Edinburgh)

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Level ALevel B

30-60 mins
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Interactive tutorial based on simple case to take you through the diagnosis, classes of drug, etc.

Hypertension management (NHS Evidence CKS)

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Level B

30-60 mins
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Good summary of management of hypertension including details of treatment.킠 Covers initial diagnosis and secondary causes too.


Approximately 12 minutes long this podcast covers definition, aetiology, clinical features, investigations, treatment and prognosis of pericarditis.

Cardiovascular Pharmacology Concept

Cardiovascular Pharmacology Concepts describes drugs that are used in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. The content emphasizes the biophysical, biochemical, and cellular basis for drug therapy

Heart Point

This is킠 a really nice introductory resource, aimed a patients but with a lot of information that will be useful for health professionals too. It includes nice animations and images

Clinical Cases and Images: Cardiology Case-based Curriculum of Clinical Medicine

This site provides a case based curriculum using problem based learning scenarios and links to other resources such as the NEJM (Images in Clinical Medicine)- may need a institutional login for some of these links. A nice breadth of cases in each discipline

Virtual Patients (EU referatory)

This site contains a large킠 number of virtual patient scenarios (over 300 currently) built using Labyrinth software. There are many cardiology, diabetes and infectious disease scenarios, but something here for almost any specialty. A few aren’t in English.

The Edinburgh Cardiology Imaging Website

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Level BLevel CLevel C Plus

10-30 mins
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This site provides information on a range of cardiac imaging modalities such as echocardiography, CT, angiography and MRI. There are also interesting case studies submitted by clinicians which aim to illustrate some of the ways in which these different imaging techniques may be applied in a clinical setting.

Open University- Understanding Cardiovascular disease

Understanding Cardiovascular disease- this interactive resource gives a comprehensive overview of what cause cardiovascular diseases, its impact and treatment. It is good for beginners to the subject.

The Seventh Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure

A useful document discussing the킠 causes, classification, epidemiology and management of hypertension using evidence based literature

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