Category Archives: Neurology

Resources Found: 46
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Multiple sclerosis decisions

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Level ALevel BLevel C

30-60 mins
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Aimed primarily at patients to help them choose treatments but used by neurology trainees too. Does good overview of what MS is and the subtypes and treatment options plus short audios of patients describing their disease and treatments. No self test section. 킠Links to UK MS societies and references.

Taking a neurological history – Africa Health

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Level ALevel B

10-30 mins
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A well structured article.

Neurological exam for OSCE (Geekymedics)

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Level ALevel B

30-60 mins
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4 videos, each less than 10 mins demonstrating how to exam part of the neurological system (cerebellar/cranial nerves/upper limbs/lower limbs) in a short exam situation.

Neuroanatomy through clinical cases

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Level ALevel B

30-60 mins
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The author, Hal Blumenthal, is trying to sell his book, but the basics seem to be covered on this site, with no purchase required. Each part of the neurological exam has been broken down, with text explaining what you do and why and very short (usually just a few seconds) videos to illustrate the examination.

The magic of the neuro exam

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Level ALevel B

Less than 10 mins
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Youtube video of a 2 minute neurological exam – the British way! 3 minutes of explanation.

The neurological exam (University of Toronto)

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Level ALevel B

2 hours
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Videos with explanation of how to carry out a neurological exam, divided into short easily watchable chunks – select which part you want to watch, and with accompanying short text to reinforce key points

The precise neurological exam (NYU)

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Level ALevel B

30-60 mins
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Divided into 9 lessons with text accompanied by photos.킠 Clinical pearls are highlighted in blue text.킠 Can read at own pace, but no there are no exercises to test learning.

The basic neurological exam (University of Capetown)

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Level ALevel B

2 hours
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An extremely experienced clinician, with a lovely manner, shows how to examine the neurological system in 4 videos: motor, sensory, cerebella and cranial nerves.킠 Each video is about 30 minutes (apart from the shorter cerebellar examination) and are quite slow to get going compared with some resources, but if you have the time to sit […]

A clinical syndrome approach for clerkship students (neurology)

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Level A

10-30 mins
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Short notes that aim to help one rationally approach patients with neurological signs and symptoms.

Take a good neurology history – how to do it

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Level A

10-30 mins
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A short chatty article about the importance of the neurology history in making the diagnosis, illustrated by how the author does this in day to day practice.

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