Category Archives: Neurology

Resources Found: 46
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Neurology exam (video from Lyola University)

Filled in StarFilled in StarFilled in StarBlank StarBlank Star

Level ALevel B

30-60 mins
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One hour video – a comprehensive neuro examination, but slow to load as it is so long, and difficult to dip in and out – therefore only 3 stars. There is no accompanying text on-screen but you can download a 12 page PDF to accompany the video and this serves as a good aide memoir.

NeuroLogic examination videos and descriptions….an anatomical approach

Filled in StarFilled in StarFilled in StarFilled in StarFilled in Star

Level ALevel B

4 hours
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One of the biggest strengths of this site is the collection of abnormal neurological signs captured on video. These can be downloaded if required. 킠How to perform a neurological exam is presented in multiple very short videos with accompanying킠 explanatory text.킠 Each section also has a multiple choice quiz, and the site is linked with […]


A blog site with multiple contributors discussing various (sometime controversial) issues affecting neurological and psychological disease. Despite being a blog site, they do make some effort to ensure that theire resources are by people who are reasonably sound and mainstream, or atleast are clear when they are going off the beaten track. What they say: […]

Optical and Sensory Illusions

This website킠 contains a large collection of illusions useful for neurology and psychology teaching. Contains illusionary effects, demonstrations, and artwork. It is also킠 quite fun and cool too!

The Dana Foundation

The Dana foundation decsribes itself as a gateway to information about the brain and brain research. This site is in part geared towards patients and early learners but also has materials suitable for health professionals, including webcast archive material,news stories and podcasts which cover more sophisicated research topics.

Clinical Neurophysiology on the internet

This website contains a resource section that attempt to house a curriculum based neurology resource linking out to other external websites. A good idea but currently a lot of the links/ content is empty

Neurosciences on the Internet

A guide to some of the best neurology related sites on the web

Cutaneous Field of Peripheral Nerves

An interactive dermatomal animation showing the distribution of peripheral sensory nerves.

World Federation of Neurology

This organisation fosters international collaberation and encourages research and education in the field of neurology. Alhough there are no educational resources in the site per se, under neurological conditions there is a good list of external links.

Neuroanatomy Interactive Syllabus^Page^Syllabus+2

Image based tour of the CNS, with labeled images, computer graphic reconstructions of brain structures and pathways, and annotations.

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