- The neurological history
- The neurological examination
- Neuroimaging
- Neurophysiology
- Diagnostic tests in neurology
- Headache
- Epilepsy
- Inflammatory and demyelinating disorders of the nervous system
- Infectious diseases of the nervous system
- Movement Disorders
- Dementia
- Stroke and neurovascular disorders
- Neuroophthalmology
- Spinal Cord Disorders
- Disorders of consciousness
The level of the resources ranges from introductory to specialist level, according to the scale shown below right.
The neurological history
The importance of taking a good clinical history cannot be over-emphasised.í It is an art-form which needs practice.í None of these resources allow you to practice your history taking skills, but they do give pointers on how to approach taking an neurological history.
The neurological examination
Having made your diagnosis by taking a good neurological history, the neurological examination confirms your diagnosis – it rarely reveals anything unexpected.í A systematic approach to examining the neurological system is essential and requires practice.í These resources, all videos, show several different clinician’s approaches to the neuro exam.
Diagnostic tests in neurology
Inflammatory and demyelinating disorders of the nervous system
Neuroinflammatory conditions include those affecting theí central nervous system, such as multiple sclerosis,í neuromyelitis optica and acute disseminatedí encephalomyelitis (ADEM), and those affecting peripheralí nerves such as Guillan Barre syndrome and chronicí inflammatory demyelinating neuropathy. Multiple sclerosisí is the commonest neuroinflammatory disease,í typically affecting young adults with a relapsingí remitting disease course, although there are alsoí progressive forms of the disease. Treatment remainsí limited but recently there have been exciting developmentsí in disease modifying drugs.
Infectious diseases of the nervous system
Infections of the central nervous system still represent one of the greatest challenges to physicians. Different microorganisms can present very similarly and a delay in the correct treatment can lead to a worse prognosis for the patient. For that reason it is important to recognise the different syndromes, the differential features of the main pathogens and the early empirical management. Causative agents and appropriate treatments can vary between countries, but the essentials remain the same: í¢’¬Åif an infection is suspected, appropriate samples are to be obtained and empirical treatment must be started as soon as possibleí¢’¬.
Movement Disorders
Stroke and neurovascular disorders
Strokes can be divided into two main types: ischaemic strokes in which arteries that carry blood to the brain become blocked and haemorrhagic strokes where an artery carrying blood to the brain ruptures leading to bleeding in or around the brain (haemorrhage). í In developed nations stroke is a common cause of death and a leading cause of disability.
Spinal Cord Disorders
Disorders of consciousness
Curriculum by David Hunt, Clinical Lecturer in Neurology, University of Edinburgh
Section editors: Katy Murray, Consultant Neurologist, Forth Valley, UK; Mireia Moragas Garrido, Consultant Neurologist, St Johns Hospital Livingston and Western General Hospital Edinburgh, UK; Kristiina Rannikmae and Neshika Samarasekera, Neurology Registrars, Western General Hospital Edinburgh, UK;