A range of modules in social care covering topics like:
Adult safeguarding
A resource looking at what adult safeguarding means and considering how safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. (2013)
Sexual, reproductive and mental health
Looks at the key aspects of sexual and reproductive health in the context of mental illness. 8 modules (2011)
Parental substance misuse
Exploring parental substance misuse and the effects on children and parenting capacity. 3 modules (2011)
Parental mental health and families
Exploring the nature of parental mental health and its impact on families. 8 modules (2011)
Mental Capacity Act [England and Wales]
Exploring the Mental capacity act including best interests decision making and how to support people to make their own decisions. 9 modules (2011)
Managing knowledge to improve social care
Explores the principles of knowledge management for individuals and organisations. 9 modules (2010)
The Open Dementia Programme
An in-depth introduction to dementia and the experience of living with the disease. 7 modules (2009)
Managing risk, minimising restraint
Explores the nature of managing risk and minimising restraint when working with older people in care homes. 3 modules (2009)
Interprofessional & inter-agency collaboration
Looks at how to improve collaborative practice between professionals and agencies. 7 modules (2009)
Law and social work [England]
Covers key aspects of the law applied to social work practice. 10 modules (Updated 2009)
Communication skills
Explores the principles of good communication skills and how to apply these to practice. 10 modules (2008)
An introduction to residential child care
An introduction to different residential care settings and the needs that children in care may have. 3 modules (2008)
Children of prisoners
An introduction to the issues of children who are affected by the loss of a parent or carer to prison. 3 modules (2008)
Poverty, parenting and social exclusion
Looks at the key aspects of poverty, parenting and social exclusion with particular reference to children and families. 9 modules (2008)
The mental health of older people
Explores the key issues, research, messages, policies and approaches relating to the mental health of older people. 10 modules (2007)
http://www.scie.org.uk - Social care Institute of Excellence
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