Various sites shown here deserve 3-5 stars for different articles.í We have looked for sites that give useful, reliable info for patients with lifelong chronic diseases here, so have excluded sites offering only very short info.
NIDDK (USA) has an excellent series of articles arranged alphabetically – much improved in recent years.í Many other very useful resources are listed at We were not so impressed by the Kidney Education Program (NKDEP) though, and Medline Plus is rather elementary. (UK) – many articles listed alphabetically from the popular Edinburgh renal unit website.í Diet pages are the most popular.
NKF (UK) medical info has a more limited range, but good articles again
NKF (USA) has another alphabetical list, slightly more patchy in quality
(We’re hoping that the Renal links for PatientView, where editors have selected links for individual diseases from these and other links, might be restored.)
10-30 mins
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