Tag Archives: Case

Resources Found: 49
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Stroke: a guide to diagnosis and assessing severity (BMJ)

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Level ALevel B

30-60 mins
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Requires free registration and login. 킠This module aims to teach how to make an intial diagnosis in patients presenting with symptoms of a stroke, talks about the indications for urgent imaging, and how to assess the severity of stroke using the modified Rankin scale. There are case scenarios at the end with self-assessment. The majority […]

Case studies, cardiology: anatomy and physiology

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Level ALevel BLevel C

10-30 mins
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This website contains three case studies which cover congestive heart failure and palpitations. Each case contains a brief history followed by a selection of questions designed to test your understanding of the relevant pathophysiology and management.

Cardiology cases (clinicalcases.org)

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Level ALevel BLevel C

30-60 mins
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This resource produced by Professors from the University of Chicago has several case studies on very specific cardiovascular problems. Although these cases are less likely to routinely present in clinical practice they may serve as interesting reading.

Cardiology quiz

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Level ALevel BLevel CLevel C Plus

30-60 mins
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This single-best answer quiz covers a wide range of cardiovascular problems using cases based on real patients. The aim of this self-assessment resource is to highlight the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of cardiovascular diseases.

Cryptococcal meningitis in patients with AIDS

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Level ALevel BLevel C

10-30 mins
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A powerpoint case-based presentation with accompanying audio.킠 Click on the cryptococcal meningitis tab.킠 Sponsored by the pharmaceutical company that makes an antifungal to treat this condition.   Also available in PDF format, 24 pages long.

Thrombolysis masterclass

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Level BLevel C

2 hours
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16 anonymised real-patient scenarios where you are provided with the necessary clinical and radiological information, and you need to make a decision about thrombolysis. You can compare your answers to those of specialists in the area, and also see the actual course of action taken and patient outcome. 킠Each case takes about 10 minutes.

Stroke advancing modules

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Level ALevel B

2 hours
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16 modules provide an interactive way of learning about thrombolysis and management of stroke and associated complications and problems through quizzes, animations, video clips, and case scenarios. After completing the chapters, there is an option to complete a test and gain a certificate that can be used as evidence of continual professional development.

Stroke core competencies

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Level A

30-60 mins
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19 brief core competency modules provide an interactive way of learning the basics about the causes, diagnosis and management of stroke and associated problems through quizzes, animations, video clips, and case scenarios. After completing the chapters, there is an option to complete a test (~30 minutes) and gain a certificate that can be used as […]

Dermatology course for Auckland medical students

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Level ALevel B

Longer than 4 hours
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This course is easy to use and covers the most important topics in dermatology. 킠The powerpoint slide section covering lectures is less helpful as there is no audio. We have linked to individual sections pertaining to our curriculum further down the dermatology page.

NeuroLogic examination videos and descriptions….an anatomical approach

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Level ALevel B

4 hours
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One of the biggest strengths of this site is the collection of abnormal neurological signs captured on video. These can be downloaded if required. 킠How to perform a neurological exam is presented in multiple very short videos with accompanying킠 explanatory text.킠 Each section also has a multiple choice quiz, and the site is linked with […]

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