Tag Archives: Overview

Resources Found: 20
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Anatomy of the Urinary System (US National Cancer Inst)

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Level ALevel B

10-30 mins
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Basic overview of the anatomy of the urinary tract from kidneys to urethra, split into easily-navigable sections so you can choose the bits you want to read. Well-presented and easy to read, but contains simple macro-anatomical information only, with no discussion of the physiology. A good resource for its purpose, but probably not detailed enough […]

Urinary Tract Obstruction (Medscape)

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Level B

10-30 mins
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A simple run-through of the diagnosis, aetiology, and management of urinary tract obstruction. Although there is a lot of information provided, it is broken down in to sections which are easy to negotiate, and the reader can easily interchange them. The website is USA-based and so some of the advice such as investigations, in particular […]

Dermatology Made Simple (Australian Institute of Dermatology)


Level ALevel B

30-60 mins
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This site has 6 video lectures of varying lengths by Ian McColl which are good if you have the patience to sit through remote lectures. A similar chatty style is used on his blog postings, which are helpfully categorised by morphology of skin lesions.

Overview of Dialysis (NHS Choices)

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Level A

10-30 mins
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NHS Choices is aimed at patients but gives a good general view of available options for renal replacement therapy, including their advantages and disadvantages, and long term complications. There are useful videos providing the patients’ perspectives, and these are the best bit, but the text is wordy in a long narrow column.

PD (mykidney, Guy’s Hosp)

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Level ALevel B

10-30 mins
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This free resource is aimed primarily at patients but would also be of use to medical professionals who are looking for an overview about different modes of renal replacement therapy and the decision-making involved. For peritoneal dialysis in particular, the explanation is straightforward, and there are helpful illustrative videos.

Glossary of dermatopathological terms (DermNetNZ)

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Level ALevel B

Less than 10 mins
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Covers some general pathological terms, and terms relating to the epidermis, dermis and subcutis.

Dermatology glossary


Designed for medical students, this glossary defines and illustrates the main dermatological and dermatopathological terms and conditions.

Introduction to dermatoscopy


A short introduction to킠dermatoscopy with good photos of features seen dermatoscopically. 킠There are 30 cases for self assessment.

Pathophysiology of the Endocrine System- Colorado State University


This site contains a nice introduction and overview of endocrinology covering all aspects of biology and pathophysiology. It then goes through the individual endocrine organs in more detail. It is nicely edited with good images and pictures. It is an excellent introduction to the topic or revision those in clinical years. It is also nicely […]



The Scotttish Patient Portal site – written for patients but contains loads of interactive resources, patient testimonies and downloadable fact sheets that will be useful for health professionals too. The categorisation of resources into diabetes mind/ body etc. is a bit confusing. Also it would nice if the resources were rated and a bit more […]

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