Requires free login. 25 slides which mainly cover rashes of infectious aetiology.
Requires free login. 25 slides which mainly cover rashes of infectious aetiology.
Requires free login. Covers the main emergencies in dermatology simply. í The photos used are not of great quality. Links at the end to more in depth articles of illustrated conditions on emedicine website.
Requires a free login. í 32 slides with pretty good quality photos of skin eruptions secondary to drugs. í 2 slides for each eruption with the first slide describing usually seen features and causative drugs and the second telling the diagnosis and prognosis. í So although there are no self-assessment questions as such, one could test oneself by […]
A powerpoint case-based presentation with accompanying audio.í Click on the cryptococcal meningitis tab.í Sponsored by the pharmaceutical company that makes an antifungal to treat this condition. Also available in PDF format, 24 pages long.
A free login is required.í Clinical cases with accompanying neuro-imaging are used to illustrate the diagnosis of brain infections.í At the end of the 26 slides are links to overview sections on emedicine on meningitis and brain abscess, which cover these areas comprehensively.
A multidisciplinary group from across Scotland including staff from Primary and Secondary care developed these pathways. í They were í developed for the most common skin disorders presenting in Primary Care. These pathways cover over 95% of skin problems seen in General Practice as well as those frequently referred to Secondary Care. GPs that have used these […]
Register with Medscape Reference for free. í These slideshows are in Medscape’s í image collection and each covers a different aspect, but generally involves a picture + accompanying text with links to Medscape pages at the end of the show for more detailed information. Nice ‘bite sized chunks’. í The best shows include some simple questions as they […]
You need to register with Medscape for free. í Teaching cases in slideshow format – direct links to the cases below. Arthralgia with a chronic verrucous rash Burning pain with a spreading rash and blisters Rash and fever heralding a possibly severe recurrence Strange skin patches with syncope and palpitations Systemic symptoms masking a sinister etiology
This slideshow (26 slides) has a collection of photographs of medical conditions with dermatological manifestations.í There is a brief explaination attached to each photograph although they do not appear to be in any specific order.í The photographs are detailed although this is not useful for obtaining a large knowledge base.í It would mainly serve as […]